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"You ain't been the first thing on my mind, But I feel like I'm forgettin' somethin'."

Well, here I am, almost Valentine's Day. I failed badly on keeping up with my blog but it is what it is. Christmas was excellent and even January, a typically slow month for the floral industry, has surpassed my expectations. Valentine's Day is an interesting one. Product needs to be ordered in December, early January at the latest. Costs are super expensive compared to the rest of the year. Nobody, and I mean nobody, pre-orders for Valentine's Day (let's face it, men aren't renowned for planning ahead). It's a shot in the dark ordering enough and the world will be turned upside down when the big day comes as mass panic ensues. I can't wait for the masses of roses and other goodies to arrive. God knows what's in some of those boxes arriving from Ecuador shortly. It will also be interesting to see what happens this year considering the economy. But I digress.

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